1. How to place an order in the klod.pl store?

To place an order, select the products you are interested in and add them to the cart. Then proceed to the payment process by filling out the necessary information and making the payment.
Yes, we deliver our products worldwide. Shipping costs and availability of delivery options are visible during the ordering process.
We accept credit/debit card payments and other secure payment methods available during the ordering process.
Yes, we accept returns and exchanges in accordance with our returns policy. All information regarding the returns procedure can be found in the "Returns" section of our website.
Yes, after your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a link to track your shipment.
Yes, we regularly organize promotions and provide discount codes. You will find current offers on our website and in our newsletters.
If necessary, please contact our customer service team via the contact form available on the website or by sending an e-mail to: sklep@klod.pl.
Yes, all products offered in the klod.pl store are original and come from renowned brands.